Your support and contribution, even the smallest amount, is critical to ensure the return to the sustainable state of Egyptian Vulture in Albania.
Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus) is globally endangered “EN”. In our country, of the four nesting vulture species once, nowadays only the Egyptian vulture continues to breed, though at very critical levels.
AOS-Albanian Ornithological Society in cooperation with international and national partners, in the light of efforts to ensure the sustainability of nesting and the success of the reproduction of this icon species, we have undertaken a lot of initiatives based on scientific research, awareness and capacity building.
Our latest initiative is focused on capacity building among young people who share the passion and willingness to engage in the protection of this icon species in the long-term.
Our aim is to include this young generation in the international monitoring schemes of the Egyptian vulture’s population, as well as on others groups of raptors. In this respect, we urge you to help ensure that these young people will get involved in the conservation mission of endangered species.
We seek and welcome from various donors funds to strengthen and increase the capacity of young people who have become part of the activities for the protection of this bird. The selected individuals will be sent to Turkey at the home of one of the largest breeding populations of Egyptian vultures in the world!
The Egyptian Vulture New Life project aims to protect and increase the Neophron percnopterus population in Europe by taking urgent conservation measures to eliminate the major threats in the nesting places and during the migration.
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