To identify and provide practical, theoretical, institutional and legal alternatives for long-term solutions in the protection and enhancement of bird community and their critical habitats, biodiversity, nature and environment in Albania and to work closely with all the stakeholders for the sustainable use of natural resources.
In order to achieve this mission, AOS has the following objectives:
To prevent the extinction of bird species and to improve their conservation status in Albania,
To preserve and enhance bird habitats, bird ecosystems and Important Bird Areas in the country,
To support the interested parties and contributing to the improvement of the quality of life through sustainable use of natural resources.
Our Vision
Save species by conserving and restoring species populations across their natural ranges, and maintaining genetic diversity, ensuring they can continue to play their role in the web of life and for the enjoyment and benefit of future generations
Conserve sites and habitats by ensuring effective conservation, through action and advocacy, of the most important sites and habitats for nature across the world
Encourage ecological sustainability by promoting sustainable management of our planet and its natural resources so as to secure a future for birds, biodiversity, and ourselves
Empower people for positive change by restoring or strengthening the connections between people and nature, building and consolidating a movement of local and national civil-society conservation organizations that can provide broad-based support for nature conservation.
February 4, 2025 in World
This year, for World Wetlands Day, our focus was on the Grand Park of Tirana and the common, yet significant, …
January 29, 2025 in World
Analiza e grafikëve fenologjikë na ndihmon të kuptojmë fenomene dhe cikle të ndryshme në lidhje me shpendët, si ciklet …
January 22, 2025 in World
Për t’i përdorur sa më mirë të dhënat që gjenerohen nga përdoruesit e portaleve në internet të shpendëve, Këshilli Evropian për Censusin e Shpendëve (EBCC) themeloi Portalin Evropian për Shpendët (Euro Bird Portal – EBP), i cili shërben si një “bankë të dhënash”, që mbledh të dhëna nga portalet e sipërpërmendura në të gjithë Evropën.
January 17, 2025 in World
Duke regjistruar lista të plota, ju nuk siguroni informacion për speciet që janë prezente, por edhe për ato që mungojnë, një informacion i tejet i rëndësishëm ky që nuk mund të sigurohet përmes vrojtimeve rastësore. Ky lloj informacioni mund të kontribuojë në analiza të ndryshme për projekte të ndryshme shkencore apo konservimi.
Each donation we receive is wisely invested by AOS
to help create a better world for birds, people and nature.
All News
The International Waterbird Census (IWC), one of the largest …
As we welcome the New Year 2025, we’re delighted …
🌍 Data: 18-19 Janar 2025📍 Lokacionet: Zonat e Mbrojtura …
The Albanian Ornithological Society (AOS) is excited to announce …
The Albanian Ornithological Society organized on December 18-19, 2024, …
Another year of birding across Albania, exploring its most …
Wintering Waterbirds in Albania - International Waterbird Census, January 14-25, 2016
Wintering Waterbirds in Albania - International Waterbird Census, January 14-25, 2016
The content of the AOS NEWSLETTER consist of the latest news on birds and conservation work of AOS projects, in addition, the electronic newsletter will disseminate event announcements and opportunities to get involved in various AOS activities.
AOS NEWSLETTER can be helpful and beneficial for everyone who is concerned in conservation work, students, youngsters, supporters, environmentalists and everyone else who wants to stay refreshed with the latest developments of conservation work in Albania.
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