On behalf of the Protected Areas Coalition, Albanian Ornithological Society, ResPublica, and Eco Albania, it is our pleasure to invite you to participate in a distinctive Forum being organized for January 26th, 2023, within the context of the Protected Areas: FORUM OF PROTECTED AREAS 2023; CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR NATURE CONSERVATION IN ALBANIA You have been selected for invitation to this vital forum because of your expertise and experience at the interface between nature conservation, protected areas as well as social and economic development. An interactive platform at which experts will share their vision for the preservation of habitats with attendees and keynote speakers representatives from different research institutions, civil society organizations, development agencies, and other interested parties. We look forward to learning and benefiting from your presence and experience in our shared quest for nature conservation and sustainable development. Therefore, we hope you will join us and help raise the PA profile and shape and drive our Protected Areas’ future. Secondly, participants will be invited to take a tour/field trip on the 27, the day after the Forum in Divjaka-Karavasta National Park or Narta Lagoon. The additional information referred to above (agenda and other logistics) will be sent to those invitees indicating they will attend. REGISTER BY JANUARY 22, 2023! We recommend that you register early to ensure your spot. Yours sincerely and in the name of the Coalition, Besjana & Kristi Ky aktivitet u zhvillua në kuadër të Green-AL, një projekt i financuar nga Agjencia Ndërkombëtare Suedeze për Bashkëpunim dhe Zhvillim (SIDA) me fonde nga Qeveria Suedeze dhe zbatuar nga Co-PLAN, Instituti për Zhvillimin e Habitatit në bashkëpunim me CISP Sviluppo dei Popoli, VIS Albania dhe COSV – Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo. |