- Organized 4 different events of environmental education, counting of migratory birds, bird ringing, bird photography etc.;
- visited Important Bird Areas for bird migration, worth to mention Divjaka-Karavasta NP, Protected Landscape of Vjose-Narte, Orikumi lagoon and the monitoring point for bird migration of Karaburun Peninsula;
- gathered 25 people which were part of the counting and monitoring of wild bird in their habitats;
- observed circa 90 bird species of birds from different families and were counted around 7500 individuals from which the more frequent were the Pied Avocets (Recuvirostra avosetta) with 1248 individuals, Western Yellow Wagtails (Motacilla flava) with 639 individuals and the Slender-billed Gulls (Chroicocephalus genei) with 590 individuals:
- ringed some of the common bird species of Orikumi lagoon.