A glimpse of the colony of Herons and Cormorants Breeding in Divjaka

On the International Biodiversity Day (22th of May), we here at the Albanian Ornithological Society (AOS) decided to celebrate it by sharing with AOS supporters, environmentalists, nature lovers, volunteers and members, the results provided from the last field-monitoring visit of the breeding activity of the mixed colony of Herons and Cormorants in Divjaka-Karavasta National Park – conducted by a joint team of AOS and RAPA Fier (Regional Administration of Protected Areas Fier).

Although under difficult working condition due to the location of colony and the level of water, the team arrived to detect the first insights on the current status of the colony, even though further field-visits are needed to adjust the number. The technique used for the monitoring of the colony were – via aerial drone, where the extension of the colony was estimated, and the direct observation with binoculars and spotting scopes.

According to the results of the monitoring-visit seems that the colony of herons and cormorants in Divjaka is booming with breeding activity, started since April with successive reproduction of:

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Moreover, the survey at a certain distance shows that the bulk of Little Egrets and Pygmy Cormorants has hatched their eggs while the other species continue egg incubation. The colony seems undisturbed and in a good shape. Aerial pictures show that the colony is more or less of the same size as last year. Nevertheless, the exact number of breeding pairs is expected to be verified at the end of the breeding season.

The numbers and the pictures from the colony demonstrate that Divjaka-Karavasta is the largest colony of Herons and Cormorants in Albania. This colony provides without any doubt an extraordinary asset for the biological diversity in Albania. A value that should be protected especially from the hydro-logical changes that might affect the entire habitat.

The monitoring of the colony of herons and cormorants in in Divjaka-Karavasta National Park supported by CEPF (Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund) within the framework of ‘Let’s make Divjaka Natural Again project in collaboration with PSEDA-Iliria and ResPublica.

Happy International Day of Biological Diversity!

22 of May 2020 – Our Solutions Are in Nature!


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