“Biodiversity Talks” comes again after a long hiatus, this time in a friendlier and more social format, away from the grueling online conversations; we will gather to talk to experts about the most current environmental challenges.
AOS this time has united several “powerful” voices, who with their ideas, experience and expertise, will provide environmental dialogue and more. We strongly believe that the best solutions come from these platforms, from the process itself, in which ideas translate into tangible, cohesive, and comprehensive actions. Of course, the environmental challenges we face today may, at first glance, seem unsolvable and above all without the multifaceted goodwill to find solutions. Nevertheless, it is precisely these dimensions that unravel the complexity into concrete steps for nature protection and give voice and solutions to environmental causes.
Therefore, come to the next meeting on the topic “How can we protect ‘Protected Areas’”, where the panelist will focus on the process of the “Review of the Network of Protected Areas in Albania”, where you will have the opportunity to share with us thoughts, ideas and above all we will be there to listen and advise you. Also, in the coming days we will inform you in great detail about the panelists and topics of discussion.
See you on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, at 19:00 at “Botime Berk”, on Him Kolli Street.
Places are limited, so please contact us in advance.