New Orientation Signs and a “Bird-friendly” platform in Divjaka-Karavasta National Park

The wide optionality of touristic attractions that the National Park of Divjaka-Karavasta possess, provides a friendly destination, thus hosting every year, thousands of native and foreign tourists. The services that the park offers enable spaces of different dimensions of tourism, such as hiking trails, picnic spots, culinary-gastronomic tourism, and especially for birdwatching. However, the ecological integrity of the National Park should be under controlled from the tourism activities in order to prevent the pressure that it can reflect over it. In this regard, the promotion of sustainable tourism principles around the area, matters for the future and the development of the local economy.

Following the actions and efforts undertaken in Divjaka-Karavasta National Park, recently, Albanian Ornithological Society (AOS) is completing with the construction of a “Bird-Friendly” and the placement of several billboards/information panels and orientations signs on the Park, supported by CEPF (Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund), within the scope of the “Let’s Make Divjaka Natural Again” project.

The wooden platform, called “bird-friendly” will serve as a facade or birdwatching hide, which will provide proper camouflage to enjoy birds from vicinity without disturbing them. Moreover, the Park will be equipped with orientations signs and billboards/information panels, which will provide essential information to the visitors of the Park, particularly with maps showing the route, the difficulty level and other details. Furthermore, the placement of those investments that supports and promotes sustainable tourism on the National Park Divjaka Karavasta, is made possible by the friendly and close work with the Regional Administration of Protected Areas Fier.

Besides, the bird-hide platform and the billboards/information panels are produced by the local woodworkers and local supporters. Their involvement in this initiative motivates the local community to embrace the values of sustainable tourism and support local initiative based on these principles. 

Now, your next visit to the National Park will be easier than before and don’t forget to bring your binoculars, this time your birdwatching experience through “bird-friendly” will be more fun! 

The placement of the orientation signs and the construction of “Bird-friendly” platform, supported by CEPF (Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fundwithin the framework of ‘Let’s make Divjaka Natural Again project in collaboration with PSEDA-Iliria and ResPublica.

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