The project will address the preservation of the territorial and ecological integrity of three National Parks, recognized by IUCN and national legislation as category II Protected Areas (PA):

  1. Divjakë-Karavasta National Park,
  2. Butrint National Park, and
  3. Lure-Mali I Dejës National Park.

The three PAs above-mentioned have recently suffered the most significant reductions in surface and territory due to DCMs, No. 59/2022 and No. 60/2022. Precisely to better recognize and preserve these ecosystems, this project through (PA – BAT+), a   holistic, innovative, coherent, and comprehensive method of evaluation of PAs designed by IUCN, will address the protection of the three National Parks through the assessment of ecosystem services that these areas provide for the benefit of local, national, and international communities.


IDM Albania, Smart Balkans

Start Date:

June 2023


Protected Areas, Ecosystem Services, Benefits Assessment Tool, Legal Framework, Governmental Institutions
