TIRANA – On March 2, 2023, the second court session was held for the Decision of the Council of Ministers (DCM) no. 60, dated 26.1.2022, “On the Proclamation of Natural Ecosystems, Natural Reserves/Managed Natural Parks (Category IV)”, in the Administrative Court of Appeal, where 11 Albanian Environmental Civil Society Organizations have sued the public authorities for the annulment of the decision of the Council of Ministers no. 59 and no. 60.

In the session, from the plaintiff side participated lawyer Franc Terihati CLE, lawyer Irena Dule Res Publica, and Besjana Shehu AOSALB, while from the defendant side, the Council of Ministers and the National Council of the Territory, no representative appeared, and no counterclaims were presented. 

So far, the process has progressed with the filing of: a) the claim-lawsuit, b) written shreds of evidence, c) the request for the specification of the object of the claim opposing the revision of the surfaces, boundaries, and status of the areas; Bredhi i Sotires, Korab-Koritnik, Qafeshtame, Syri i Kaltër, Bredhi i Kardhiqit, Gërmenj, Karaburun, Kune-Vain-Tale and Patok – Fushëkuqe – Ishëm, Shkodra Lake and the removal of 10 other areas; d) of the request for the execution of the act of exertion, e) the additional submissions related to the legitimization of non-profit organizations.

We emphasize that the Council of Ministers and the National Council of the Territory were also absent from this session. Also, the State Bar has submitted a request for the summons in the capacity of the third person of the Ministry of Tourism and Environment and the National Agency of Protected Areas. Today’s session was postponed because of the additional submissions related to the legitimization of non-profit organizations, which were filed on 23.02.2023 but not forwarded to the judge by the secretariat. Therefore, the court took them into administration to notify the Council of Ministers and the National Council of the Territory.

We inform you that the next session for the Decision of the Council of Ministers (DCM) no. 60 was set for March 17 at 09:00. The date for the first court session for the Decision of the Council of Ministers (DCM) no. 59, dated 26.1.2022, “For the Approval of the Change of Status and Area of Natural Ecosystems National Park (Category II) of Environmentally Protected Areas, it was set for March 10 at 09:00.

#protectedareas #zonatmbrojtura

Plaintiff organizations:

@AOS-Albanian Ornithological Society @EcoAlbania @Res Publica @CLE – Centre for Legal Empoëerment @Qendra EDEN/ EDEN Center @Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania @Milieukontakt Albania (member of Milieukontakt

This activity takes place within Green-AL, a project financed by the Swedish International Cooperation and Development Agency (SIDA) with funds from the Swedish Government and implemented by Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development in collaboration with CISP Sviluppo dei Popoli, VIS Albania and COSV – Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo.