The energy of the youth focused on protecting the Egyptian Vulture

The members of the Conservation Youth Club of Gjirokastra are already confirmed ambassadors for the protection of the only breeding vulture in our country, the Egyptian Vulture.

At the beginning of May, on World Migratory Bird Day 2021, CYC-Gjirokastra undertook a very original and interesting activity in the museum area of the city of Gjirokastra, creating a performance on the city streets to draw the attention of passers-by to the importance of the Egyptian Vulture for nature and Gjirokastra.

The event was entitled “A Postcard from the Egyptian Vulture”, where CYC youth distributed to passers-by postcards with the image of the Egyptian Vulture and to further personalize it, they wrote an awareness message, unique to each postcard. In addition, they projected on the wall of a museum building awareness materials regarding the protection of the Egyptian Vulture population in Gjirokastra and beyond in the Vjosa valley.

The event was well received by many citizens and visitors, who were very interested in the event and the Egyptian Vulture in particular. During the talks, CYC-Gjirokastra members, accompanied by AOS specialists and the head of RAPA-Gjirokaster informed passers-by about the importance of the Egyptian Vulture, the threats that this species faces, and what everyone should do to contribute to the protection of its population.

In order to disseminate information and raise awareness of the need to protect the Egyptian Vulture on a larger scale, CYC-Gjirokastra has made a video that summarizes all the activity carried out in the UNESCO city, Gjirokastra.

The activity was carried out within the project “Egyptian Vulture New Life”, a project which is implemented in many countries along the flyway of the Egyptian Vulture, from Africa to the Balkans.