Autumn Bird Ringing Migration at the Orikum Ornithological Station

216 wild birds were equipped with Albanian rings and released back into the wild after the placement of rings and morphological measurements. A team from AOS was at the Orikum Ornithological Station last week to carry out the bird ringing process. This annual event (twice a year) provides valuable data on the migration of birds, the routes they follow, the distances they travel, and the time it takes to complete this journey. In the same time, it highlights the importance of riparian habitats with freshwater and, in particular, the reed beds of Orikum for bird migration as a very important habitat for wintering, shelter, refuel and breeding.

During one week, 216 individuals from 16 different bird species were ringed, and 17 individuals were recaptured, two of which were holding Hungarian rings but had been ringed in Orikum in previous camps organized by AOS and Hungarian colleagues.

Stay tuned with AOS for the latest updates from the bird ringing camp in Orikum!