AOS-Albanian Ornithological Society is pleased to announce that on June 27-29, 2022 will be held in Tirana the First Ornithological Conference in Albania, an event organized by AOS and the Faculty of Natural Sciences (University of Tirana) with the support of the Adriatic Flyway – Phase 4 project.
This is the first conference dedicated entirely to the study and work done for the protection and conservation of Albanian avifauna in the last 20 years in Albania. The goal of this conference is to present ornithological studies conducted over the years, to encourage future ornithological research as well as to strengthen conservation measures for birds and their critical habitats.
AOS invites all of you who have contributed in the last 20 years to Albanian Ornithology through studies, scientific research, conservation initiatives, and policies for the protection of birds and their habitats. Also, this is a call for all students of environmental sciences (biology, environmental studies, environmental engineering, etc) who are interested in learning about the main threats of the avifauna in Albania, and to contribute in the field of ornithology in order to provide a better future for nature and environment in Albania.
The participation in the conference can be as a referent of a scientific paper, presentation of a poster, exchanging opinions and experiences related to certain issues that affect Albanian avifauna and/or as a listener.
For more detailed information refer to the posters below and to the following link that leads to the to the conference webpage: