Odyssey of the Egyptian Vulture

Games and recreational activities are a super strategy of conveying information not through books, not through PowerPoint presentations, not through lectures or blackboards, but through a perfect combination of their basic elements, which strongly influences the education and intelligence of a child but not only, as the game knows no age.

The uniqueness of this board game “Odyssey of the Egyptian Vulture” lies precisely in the interesting facts about the bird, its flyway, the threats it encounters during migration. The approach and design make this game quite interactive and challenging.

Although the game is for children, our staff did not hesitate to try the pleasure of being the first in this adventure as well.

The game can be found in 8 different languages and can be downloaded from the relevant links listed below:

Albanian language https://bit.ly/3a8KX2c
Amharic language https://bit.ly/3tWsw99
Arabic language https://bit.ly/2Z8ROCI
Bulgarian language https://bit.ly/3pbFZ9k
Greek language https://bit.ly/3p7in5P
French language https://bit.ly/3aQM2uO
Macedonian language https://bit.ly/3jGgVpL
Turkish language https://bit.ly/2LELfo6

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