The project aims to mobilize and coordinate as quickly as possible all possible human resources efforts to gather as many arguments and support at local, national and international levels to stop the adoption and implementation of today’s proposed construction plan of a tourist resort with devastating effects on the environment and on local economy.
March 2017, a group of organizations and individuals from civil society arose to demand the prohibition of a massive urbanization project on the territory of the Divjaka-Karavasta National Park, a project that contradicted the laws and conventions on nature protection. We constantly insist that this path should not be interrupted until transparency is ensured, democracy in decision-making as well as proper decision-making in respect of National and EU legislation, to regain the future we deserve - for the people, the environment and harmony over profit.
The Coalition seeks from the Albanian authorities’ transparency in decision-making, fair and impartial evaluation of the issue, comprehensive process for environment ecologically suitable for todays and future generations.
The project is supported by Leviz Albania and organized by AOS Albanian Ornithological Society and our partners EcoAlbania, LexFerenda & PSEDAIliria.
Leviz Albania
01 Jul 2017
Awareness, Advocacy, Campaign, Habitat Conservation and Management, Migratory Species, Protected Areas in Albania, Ramsar Site, IBA, KBA, Governance, Nature Protection
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