Regional Workshop on PA-BAT+ Methodology in Peshkopi: Stakeholder Perceptions on Ecosystem Services

On June 27, a workshop on the PA-BAT+ (Protected Area Benefits Assessment Tool) methodology was held in Peshkopi. This event, part of regional efforts to better evaluate and manage protected areas, brought together local and regional institutions, community members, special interest groups, businesses, local decision-makers, civil society organizations, and media representatives.

The workshop featured insightful sketches that captured the discussions and perceptions of local stakeholders regarding the benefits of ecosystem services within Lura Mali i Dejes National Park. These sketches are valuable as they visually convey complex ideas and foster a better understanding among participants. Highlights include:

PA-BAT+ Methodology: Designed by IUCN, this tool aims to evaluate, protect, conserve, and manage protected areas by assessing local stakeholders’ perceptions of ecosystem services and their benefits.

Workshop Theme: Focused on applying the PA-BAT+ tool to Lura Mali i Dejes National Park.

AOS Efforts: Showcased initiatives in protecting birds, habitats, and wildlife in Albania, including the national wild bird ringing scheme and increased capacities for protected area management.

PA-BAT+ Components: Detailed the three elements of the methodology: a list of benefits, a list of interested parties, and the evaluation of benefits.

Interest Groups: Identified over 28 ecosystem services, involving residents, visitors, the business sector, institutions, and organizations.

Presenters and Experts: Included legal expert Irena Dule, cultural heritage expert Olsi Lafe, urban planner Besjana Shehu, and environmental researcher Kristi Bashmili.

Business and Community Importance: Emphasized the impact of business activities on the environment and the need for sustainable practices.

Visitor and Organization Benefits: Highlighted tourism, recreation, scientific research, and local job creation.

Institutional Role: Stressed the need for infrastructure, specialist involvement, and fire risk management for sustainable park development.

The workshop in Peshkopi was a crucial step in applying the PA-BAT+ methodology to Lura Mali i Dejes National Park. By bringing together diverse stakeholders and assessing their perceptions, the workshop aimed to enhance the management and conservation of this valuable protected area. The insights gained, visually enriched through sketches, will contribute to effective strategies for the park’s future.

Protecting National Parks Through Innovative System Use, Interpretation and Adaptation (PA-BAT+) is implemented with the support of “SMART Balkans – Civil Society for Shared Society in the Western Balkans” regional project implemented by Centar za promociju civilnog društva (CPCD), Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM) and Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) and financially supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NMFA).

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About AOS:
Albanian Ornithological Society (AOS) is dedicated to the protection and preservation of Albania’s natural heritage, focusing on the conservation of bird species and their habitats. Through research, advocacy, and community engagement, AOS promotes sustainable management of natural resources and protected areas across the country.