
Bird migration is in full swing ++ Every year, thousands of migratory birds are killed illegally in the Balkans ++ 4th Adriatic Flyway Conference meets in Croatia

The Adriatic Flyway along the Balkan Peninsula is one of the major migratory routes on which, twice a year, Europe’s migratory birds fly to Africa, or return to Europe. Bird loss along the Adriatic Flyway is still very high – and would probably be many times higher without the involvement of EuroNatur and its partners. …

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First Griffon Vulture equipped with GPS Tag as part of an innovative project to track illegal wildlife poisoning across seven Balkan countries

The first Griffon Vulture was equipped with a GPS tag in Bulgaria within the BalkanDetox LIFE project for a very special reason — to help track and tackle illegal wildlife poisoning incidents in the Balkans. GPS technology will enable the project team to find and rescue poisoned vultures quickly while also assisting them in prosecuting …

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