The coalition of CSOs for Protected Areas was welcomed by the students and academic staff of Polis University to an open lecture that proved to be quite productive. The main topic of discussion was “Violation of Protected Areas in Albania – the Border Review, legal and ecological issue”.
The objectives of this meeting were to present and discuss the current situation concerning the PAs cause, the negative impact of the PA’s review process, the litigation of the issue as well as to increase the collaboration between the CSO network and academic institutions in regards to the cause.
The participation of the environmental community in Polis University and the subsequent discussion were interesting and productive – exchanging important ideas for the cause and further strengthening the collaboration between the environmental community in Polis University and the CSOs.
We would like to express our gratitude and thank the students, the institution’s leaders and the head of the Planning, Environment and Urban Management Faculty, especially Prof. Assoc. Dr. Xhimi Hysa and Phd. Gentjan Hyka, Phd. Doriana Musai and Rodion Gjoka as representative of Co Plan for giving us the opportunity to conduct this pleasant and motivating meeting.
This series of Open Lectures will continue in other academic institutions in the country. Follow our social media posts to catch up on all the latest developments!
“Ky aktivitet u zhvillua në kuadër të projektit “NGOs for biodiversity conservation “, me mbështetjen e #GreenAL, një projekt i financuar nga Agjencia Ndërkombëtare Suedeze për Bashkëpunim dhe Zhvillim (SIDA) me fonde nga Qeveria Suedeze dhe zbatuar nga Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development , me CISP Sviluppo dei Popoli, VIS Albania dhe COSV – Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo”.