International Expert on Ecosystem Services-Postponed


Albanian Ornithological Society (AOS) in partnership with the PSEDA-Iliria and ResPublica  are jointly implementing the “Let’s Make Divjaka Natural Again” project, financed by Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF).

The project “Let’s Make Divjaka Natural Again!” aims at preserving and protecting biodiversity as a whole in  Divjaka-Karavasta National Park by ensuring sustainability in decision-making through the involvement of local communities in conservation actions and by stimulating alternative local livelihood projects in order to reduce pressure on natural resources.

AOS, through working actively in the protection of wild birds, has continually taken into consideration the protection of their critical and endangered habitats by addressing many aspects closely related to sustainable development and ecosystems preservations, especially the services they provide local communities and beyond

Although, numerous studies and assessments have been undertaken on ecosystem services in different places and areas, in Albania these studies are almost lacking and consequently we face major consequences in policy-making and decision-making, which are often fatal considering the irreversible/destructive changes in ecosystems.

In this context, in order to address the threats or concerns that wetland compounds and   Protected Areas are facing today, AOS will support the process of assessing the ecosystem services in Divjaka-Karavasta National Park by contracting an international expert. This initiative will serve as an approach that can be taken into consideration to be implemented for other Protected Areas or other ecosystems of national importance.

The international expert contracted by AOS, through this assessment process, will carry out an in-depth analysis of the real benefits gained by ecosystem services. S/he will provide his / her technical contribution by designing and providing a clear picture of the economic component referred to the ecosystem services of the Divjaka-Karavasta National Park.

Through this service, the international expert will perform the following:

  • A review of the current situation with regard to services provided by Divjaka-Karavasta National Park and undertake an initial in-depth study.
  • Analyze and establish the current annual income that can be generated by the ecosystem services in Divjaka-Karavasta National Park.
  • Make use of economic tools and methodologies for the quantitative assessment and estimation of the current economic value of the Divjaka-Karavasta National Park as well as the completion of a cost-benefit analysis.
  • Provide guidance on technical and policy issues related to the assessment of ecosystem services and on the development and support of approaches for the protection of the Divjaka-Karavasta National Park.
  • Review of relevant literature on ecosystem services assessments in Albania (if any) and identify specific additional national and international studies that clearly establish the economic benefits earned from a proper management of the park versus economic losses resulting from complex and uncontrolled activities which lead to degradation of habitats.
  • Review of best international practices in the assessment of National Parks ecosystem services.
  • Support the institutionalization of existing international economic evaluation methodologies through technical instructions by supporting formalization process with relevant institutions.
  • Analyze and compile information on ecosystem services and indicators, incorporating new findings, and preparing materials, reports and presentations for workshops, close meetings, public consultations and awareness raising forums.
  • Cooperate not only with the Working Group, but also get involved in expanding the network for defending the Protected Areas even at the international level.
  • Report regularly to AOS Project Manager (via e-mail, phone, Skype) about project implementation progress and promptly inform about the problems encountered.



The main outputs to be prepared by the International Expert on Ecosystem Services Estimates will include:

  • A first report referring to the basic information focusing on the current service provided by the Divjaka-Karavasta National Park ecosystem.
  • A second report referring to the assessment of the situation analysis, the current economic and social benefits, the legal and institutional framework on ecosystem services in Albania, focusing on the Divjaka-Karavasta National Park.
  • A comprehensive and technical final report including findings, supporting studies, interventions and recommendations addressing aspects of service evaluation and addressing the process of economic and social component evaluation of ecosystem services of the Divjaka-Karavasta National Park to the relevant instances.



Payments will be made based on the Main Outputs:

  • Output 1: Submission of the first report referring to the current situation in the DKNP regarding the current services offered:

30% of the total contract amount (20 March 2020),

  • Output 2: Submission of the second report referring to the assessment of the situation analysis;

30% of the total contract amount (20 May 2020),

  • Output 3: Submission of the comprehensive technical report covering the findings, supporting studies, interventions and recommendations addressing the process of economic and social component evaluation of ecosystem services of the Divjaka-Karavasta National Park to the relevant instances.

40% of the total amount of the contract (20 July 2020).

Table 1: Table indicating detailed deadlines for the submission of reports

No:Reporting PeriodOutput delivery deadline
107.01.2020 –  29.02.202020.03.2020
201.03.2020 – 30.04.202020.05.2020
301.05.2020 – 30.06.202020.07.2020

Service contract duration : 40 working days

Experience and Qualifications required:


  • University Master Degree in Natural Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Development Studies, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Protection, Biodiversity Conservation. Solid experience in the Management and Finance Field, or other relevant disciplines.
  • Advanced Degree in the relevant field as well as proven track record of involvement in developing and implementing similar project is an advantage.
  • Have at least 10 years of work experience in evaluation of ecosystem services.

The applicant must submit supporting documents listed below to the e-mail address: by November 30th 2019.

  • CV,
  • Motivation Letter,
  • Financial Proposal/quotation indicating the contract value including a detailed expense breakdown, including also travel expenses ( such as airfare costs, if applicable.)