National Legal Expert

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Albanian Ornithological Society (AOS) in partnership with the Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania (PPNEA) are jointly implementing the project “Combating Illegal Killing and Illegal Taking of Birds in Albania” supported by EuroNatur Foundation and financed by the MAVA Foundation.

The phenomena of illegal killing and trapping of bird in Albania (IKB) is still considered a serious threat in the environmental crime spectrum. According to the latest reports, the number of birds killed illegally in Albania within a year varies from 206,000 – 325,000 individuals. These figures rank Albania among the first 10 Mediterranean countries with the worst record with regards to illegal killing and trapping of birds.

This project aims at strengthen the implementation and legal aspects on hunting, fauna, biodiversity conservation, awareness in all levels as well as enhancement of collaboration  and partnerships among public authorities, civil society organizations and public domain.

The specific objectives of the project “Combating Illegal Killing and Illegal Taking of Birds in Albania” are:

  • Reduce IKB in the project areas of: Semani , Terbufi, Lalzi bay and Tirana.
  • Revise the extent and characteristics of IKB in Albania and evaluate its impact on decreasing bird populations,
  • Improve the hunting legislation in Albania, towards a more responsible and sustainable hunting,
  • Raise awareness and education on the impacts of IKB,

Duties and Responsibilities:

The National Legal Expert will work in close cooperation with the project team to undertake the following tasks.

Tasks :

  • Collect the necessary information and data, revise the relevant project policies of government, NGO-s, universities and international organizations regarding to fauna, hunting and biodiversity.
  • Analyze the best legal practices experienced in Albania and in other countries on involvement of interested parties in addressing specifically illegal killing and trapping of wild birds, sustainable exploitation of natural resources, reduction of threats towards ecosystem and endangered species, as well as sustainable hunting related matters.
  • Assessment of Law No. 10 006, Dated 23.10.2008, amended “On protection of wild fauna“ , of Law No. 10 253, Dated 11.03.2010 “On Hunting and EU legal practices on the protection of wild fauna and hunting, in order to identify the legal and institutional gaps as well as conceive a proper regulatory blueprint which includes all aspects.
  • Consultant assists the project team and government agencies with proposals on legislation and national policies alignment with international agreements and standards, including Directive of Birds, Directive of Habitats as well as Directive on Environment Crime.
  • Consultant provides technical inputs through recommendations on necessary amendments or new legal acts related to Law No. 10 006, Dated 23.10.2008, amended “On protection of wild fauna” and to Law No. 10 253, Dated 11.03.2010 “On Hunting”.
  • Expert consults and advices relevant ministries, departments, agencies, academy and interested parties of civil society to prepare an assessing document, based on research/review of findings from consultation process with interested parties, to conceive a comprehensive approach.
  • Development and facilitation of consultations with key stakeholders, attendance at meetings as well as preparation of presentations for periodical meetings.

The key deliverables of the National Legal National Expert include:

  1. A baseline information report with focus on fauna, biodiversity and hunting to be used for the IKB project
  2. An assessment report on analysis of the situation, policies, legal and institutional with regards to combating the illegal killing and trapping of birds in Albania.
  3. A final comprehensive and technical report which comprises findings, supporting studies, interventions and recommendations to address the loopholes of legal package and shaping the national legislation toward on sustainable hunting and wild fauna protection in Albania.

Payments will be done upon completion of the deliverable/outputs and as per below:

  • Deliverable  1: Submission of the first baseline information report – 30 % of the total contract amount; (04 April 2019)
  • Deliverable  2: Working alongside with the National Team in order to complete the assessment report on analysis -30 % of the total contract amount; (30 June 2019)
  • Deliverable 3: Final comprehensive technical documentation for the IKB project in Albania – 40 % of the total contract amount; (31 August 2019)


  • Relevant advanced degree (i.e. Master’s degree or above) in Law, Natural Sciences, Environmental Studies, or other related fields.
  • At least 10 years’ experience in policy, management, sustainable use, and wildlife crime issues such as killing and trapping, impacting their conservation and protected area management.
  • Experience working with government agencies, non-governmental organizations and local practitioners related to natural resource management and socio-economic research.


The overall amount made available under this Call for Consultant is 5000 EUR. The parties agree to deduct the income tax from the amount of contract value, which will be paid by the Albanian Ornithological Society (AOS).

Contract Duration:    01 February 2019 – 31 July 2019 (6 months)

The closing date for applications is 28th February 2019. Interested individual consultants must submit the personal CV in the following e-mail address:
