
Celebrating World Wetlands Day in Tirana Grand Park

This year, for World Wetlands Day, our focus was on the Grand Park of Tirana and the common, yet significant, birds found there. This park provides an important habitat for a wide range of species, from those that reside year-round to migratory birds that use it as a wintering ground or stopover site. To highlight …

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Bird Ringing in Albania 

In the quiet corners of Albania, a dedicated community of bird enthusiasts embarks on an extraordinary journey of discovery through the art of bird ringing. With delicate hands and relentless passion, they unlock the secrets of avian migration, behavior, and conservation.  The Albanian Bird Ringing Scheme, managed by the Albanian Ornithological Society, is an integral …

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Bird ringing is an important process and method for researchers and conservationists that work with avifauna. It provides us useful information on the biology, productivity and movements of birds, helping us to monitor bird populations and their development. There have been years since the bird ringing is being used for scientific purposes. It all started …

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