Theoretical and practical training of future professional guides

The training “Tourist Guides for Birdwatching and Wildlife” started on the 21st of September 2015 at the premises of “Bujtina e Gjelit” Hotel in Tirana and finished on the 26th of September in Divjaka-Karavasta National Park. The training course lasted 6 days and it was organized in two modules: 3 days in theory and 3 days in practice. Participants were representing mainly students from disciplines related with environment such as biology, planning, forestry and veterinary. Part of the training course, were also professionals representing three Natural and Historical Heritage Sites . This training course aimed the professional training of nature tourist guides in the field of Birdwatching and Wildlife. The trainees will potentially be part of future AOS staff able to guide several groups of tourists having a particular interest in Birdwatching and Wildlife.
The training course had the following objectives:
• To offer general knowledge on a number of selected groups of wildlife such as birds, butterflies and flowers.
• To offer information on areas important for those groups of wildlife
• To give basic information on becoming a tourist guide

The training agenda was built in respect of the demands from various interested groups and the needs identified during August and September 2015 . The training was guided by AOS experts and in cooperation with professionals in ornithology, entomology and botany as well as trainers of tourist guides.
At the end of the theoretical session, the trainees visited the Museum of Natural Sciences in order to know the diversity of the Albanian fauna including terrestrial and non-terrestrial species of wildlife. The Museum represents the only center for biodiversity studies in Albania. At the same time it is a well-known complex for educational, didactic and cultural purposes. As such the trainees had the opportunity to observe several endangered species of Albania.
Theoretical knowledges were implemented in several areas of importance in terms of biodiversity conservation and tourism development such as Narta SalinasShkodra Lake and the Divjake-Karavasta National Park.