
Here comes the most beautiful time of the year! We have entered the most fantastic period of great celebrations! AOS along with its teams, young people and wildlife enthusiasts, who have come together and are getting the most out of this fun and eventful weekend.

  1. World Migratory Bird Day 2021 (WMBD2021) in Tirana and Gjirokastra;
  2. Global Birding Day 2021 in Narta, Divjaka, Presa, and Shkodra;
  3. Flight For Survival in Tirana and Gjirokastra;
  4. Dalmatian Pelican’s Day 2021 in Tirana and Divjaka-Karavasta National Park.

World Migratory Bird Day 2021 is being celebrated worldwide today, an event that takes place twice a year, in spring and autumn. Thousands of nature and wildlife enthusiasts around the world are currently celebrating the most beautiful natural phenomenon and spectacle, where millions of birds conquer the sky. AOS has brought the highlights from the annual trip /migration closer to the public on the biggest screen of our capital, in the Ring Center, where we will have the opportunity to get acquainted with these wonders and the Flight For Survival campaign.

In addition, Global Birding Day 2021 is happening in parallel; our teams have entered a global competition to count as many species as they can. AOS has taken the responsibility of covering the largest territory, and we need your support this weekend to be inspired and better represented in this race, as well as to show the world once again the extraordinary values of biological diversity.

Now we greet you with the most beautiful pictures that could adorn the entrance of Tirana! And stay in touch with AOS as we will bring you super news and surprises from the field and other events.
