
Vizitë në Parkun Kombëtar Divjakë-Karavasta me Ekspertë

Tiranë më 19 Tetor 2017, AOS-organizata lider në koalicionin për mbrojtjen e Parkut Kombëtar Divjakë-Karavasta, zhvilloi vizitën e dytë në tërren me ekspertin e trashëgimisë historike-kulturore. Qëllimi i vizitës ishte grumbullimi i informacionit të metejshëm I cili do të pasohet me një studim të detajuar gjeografiko-turistik, gërshtuar kjo me vecoritë e zhvillimit social-ekonomik të zonës …

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This important European event, coordinated by BirdLife International, closed yesterday on the 1st of October 2017 with the observation of more than 4 million of birds, the inclusion of more than 21,000 participants, 943 different events organized and managed by partners of BirdLife International. In Albania, in 3 events organized by AOS, more than 2500 individuals …

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Divjaka-Karavasta NP Guide

We just started the work for the newest guide on Divjaka-Karavasta National Park thanks to the support of GEF/SGP, Those are just the first pictures while other will come in the next weeks and months. We believe that ecotourism and conservation of habitats and species is the best sustainable future for the National Park.  

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Shkodra lake and Thethi, two areas so similar and so different. When taking a birdwatching boat in Shkodra lake people remain impressed by the contrast of blu-green water, green riparian vegetation and grey shadowy mountains as a background. People wonder what happens there. In the moment you cross the QafeThore pass, you face the beauty …

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Some three years ago, we just started making the tour operators and tourism agencies interested in developing birdwatching as potential ecotourism activity in Albania. Following our common efforts, together with our patners RISIAlbania and Partners Albania for Change and Development, the first devoted birdwatchers came in 2015 in Divjaka-Karavasta, Narta and Valbona. Nowadays the map …

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We are already at the beginning of the North-South Bird Migration Season, from their nesting habitats to the wintering ones. As for the last years, this season finds us again in the field, for bird banding and for collecting further evidence on reedbeds, those habitats limited in number and surface despite their enormous importance for …

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Shorebirds otherwise called waders, are all those feeding in shallow water muddy bodies searching for small animals as crabs, mussels, worms etc. About 50% of the shorebirds in the world are declining and vital habitat is losing at a higher rate than ever. Healthy populations of shorebirds depend heavily on healthy wetlands, as well as …

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Dalmatian Pelican of Divjaka

In “election periods” some living organisms tend to leave and new others come. But the Dalmatian Pelican of Divjaka stays forever stoically. It has been there and it will be there again. Even more due to the efforts undertaken for its conservation measures. Year 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Nb. of nests 37, 46, 52, 52 …

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Many people think that “the drone” is an exquisite toy of photography, documentary or cinema that brings to humans images that were so far a monopole for only the birds, insects and the flying objects. Today, the drones are often used for aerial images of cities, natural ecosystems etc. But the drones could offer much …

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We trust a lot that all dimesions of biodiversity are important and vital and that the efforts to conserve fauna and flora are not in sufficient to halt the dispiriting trends of species and population losses in recent decades. This trend is heightened by the pressure that mass tourism puts on already unstable local resources, …

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