
Another success story in Divjaka-Karavasta!

The platform built by AOS in April 2021, for the nesting of the Little Tern (Sternula albifrons) is functioning with maximum efficiency. The latest monitoring, undertaken on June 5, 2021, on World Environment Day, confirms that about 80 breeding pairs of Little Terns have built their nest on the platform and many new pairs are expected …

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Wildlife conservation at a young age

The activity On July 23 and 24, 2020, for the second consecutive year, AOS organized and conducted the monitoring of power lines in the Drinos Valley. This time joined by twelve members from the Conservation Youth Club of Gjirokastra (CYC) and their professor, Dr. Gentian Hyka, under the guidance of four of our experts. This …

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World Environment Day 2020 – #TimeForNature / AOS ALB

During the isolation due to COVID-19, the appearance of wild fauna alongside urban areas and the improvement of air quality were nothing but calls of nature to increase vigilance in its conservation and observance. In this wave of reflection, on World Environment Day, dedicated to biodiversity and its importance in the quality of our lives, …

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Breeding waterbirds of the Vjosa-Narta area

During this period, the team of AOS field-ornithologists has been thoroughly engaged, as always, in monitoring and observing the population of waterbirds species in our coastal wetland sites. The latest field-visit of the AOS team was conducted in the Vjosa-Narta area, aiming to collect and provide data on waterbird species breeding in this wetland site. …

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Announcing our new monthly AOS e-NEWSLETTER

We are pleased to announce the launch of “AOS NEWSLETTER”, dedicated entirely to our actions and efforts for the conservation of the Albanian avifauna. The first issue of AOS NEWSLETTER will be sent out on the following days and it will be regularly published each month. The content of the AOS NEWSLETTER will consist of …

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Intentional poisoning of wildlife is now a crime in Albania

Unlike the other Balkan countries, where the deliberate poisoning phenomenon is well-incorporated and clearly defined as a prohibited action in the legislation over the years, the intentional wildlife poisoning in Albania has not been regarded as a prohibited activity in the national legal framework till July 2019. As a consequence, the fact that wildlife poisoning …

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Working Meeting: Pesticides and VMP legislation analysis.

Working Meeting: Pesticides and VMP legislation analysis. Pesticides and Veterinary Medical Products (VMP) could be rather dangerous for wildlife if they are not used appropriately or if they fall in wrong hands and used for intentional poisoning. The intensification of livestock breeding dictates an ever-growing need for antibiotics (+other VMP products) for the animals; their …

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Results of transect surveys for mapping of dangerous pylons and power lines in Drino valley, southern Albania

In August and September 2019, the Albanian Ornithological Society (AOS) conducted some 41 km of transect surveys for mapping of dangerous pylons and detecting mortality due to electrocution and collisions with power grid in the stronghold of the Egyptian Vulture in Drino valley, part of the Globally Important Bird Area of Gjirokastra, in the southern …

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Completed : International Waterbirds Census 2020 in Albania ✔️

During the second weekend of January (10-12th of January), like every year, the Albanian Ornithological Society (AOS) became part of the  “International Waterbirds Census” (IWC) 2020. This international monitoring program is implemented in more than 143 countries and has been implemented in Albania since 1993. It has become a tradition for IWC to be joined …

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