
Completed : International Waterbirds Census 2020 in Albania ✔️

During the second weekend of January (10-12th of January), like every year, the Albanian Ornithological Society (AOS) became part of the  “International Waterbirds Census” (IWC) 2020. This international monitoring program is implemented in more than 143 countries and has been implemented in Albania since 1993. It has become a tradition for IWC to be joined …

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National Workshop – “Anti-Poisoning and Wildlife Crime in Albania”

On 24th January 2020 a national workshop was held in Tirana within the scope of “Balkan Anti-Poisoning Projects” and “Egyptian Vulture New Life” projects aiming at raising awareness among national responsible institutions on the scale, root causes and consequences of the illegal use of poison baits and wildlife crime in Albania. The national workshop “Anti-Poisoning …

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National Workshop “Anti-Poisoning and wildlife crime in Albania” is 3 days away!

On January 24, 2020, Albanian Ornithological Society (AOS)  jointly with Ministry of Tourism and Environment (MTE) and Embassy of Spain in Albania (ESP) within the Balkan Anti-Poisoning Project and Egyptian Vulture New Life projects will organize a national workshop on Anti-Poisoning and Wildlife Crime in Albania. The workshop will be attended by representatives of national responsible …

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The third round of interviews to investigate wildlife poisoning in Albania

Wildlife poisoning in Albania  Since July 2019, after the consecutive lobbying and efforts of Albanian Ornithological Society (AOS) – the use of poison baits for the disposal of wild fauna species is incorporated as an amendment in the section of prohibited actions on the Law No. 46/2019, dated 8/7/2019 “On some amendments and changes of …

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Get ready for the International Waterbird Census 2020 in Albania

What is the IWC? The International Waterbird Census (IWC) is a site-based counting scheme for monitoring waterbird numbers, organized since 1967 by Wetlands International, formerly the International Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Bureau (IWRB). The Census operates at a global level, and the former division into four separate continental-scale surveys was superseded in 2003 by a …

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The rehabilitation of pelican’s nesting beds – DONE ✔

At the beginning of December 2019, during the monitoring visits in National Park Divjaka-Karavasta, like every year AOS team recognized that Dalmatian Pelican’s breeding season was approaching. Orange-red pouch, curly feathers and the presence of several specimens in the pelican island – warned us that the breeding season is approaching, where our actions for the …

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Ornithological Friday And Vultures In Drino Valley

Last week (December 13-14), AOS organized “Ornithological Friday and Vultures in Drino Valley”, a two-day visit focused on the importance of the area for the Egyptian Vulture and other species of migratory birds (Lesser kestrel). During the two-day visit, following the tradition of “Ornithological Friday”, AOS visited Eqrem Cabej University and Azim Zeneli high school …

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Be aware Dalmatian Pelican breeding season is approaching!

Lagoon of Karavasta is a real treasure, in terms of species and habitats and it makes us proud of our Natural Heritage but at the same time obligate us with the responsibility to protect and conserve it. As the cold winter season is already in its infancy, Divjaka-Karavasta National Park is nevertheless hosting the first …

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Fly With the Egyptian Vulture!

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Egyptian Vulture (EV) is considered smaller than the other vultures in Europe which is nesting in the territories of our country. In the last 15 years, this species has lost 1/3 of its territory and only six pairs are …

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