
What should we do if we encounter a cadaver?

During these days of self-isolation, two cadavers of European Badger (Meles meles) suspected of poisoning were reported at AOS. One of cadavers was reported in Kavaja and the other in Durrës. However, not always finding a cadaver means that the cause of the animal’s death is poisoning. To confirm this, it is necessary to take …

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The third round of interviews to investigate wildlife poisoning in Albania

Wildlife poisoning in Albania  Since July 2019, after the consecutive lobbying and efforts of Albanian Ornithological Society (AOS) – the use of poison baits for the disposal of wild fauna species is incorporated as an amendment in the section of prohibited actions on the Law No. 46/2019, dated 8/7/2019 “On some amendments and changes of …

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Inspection on Wildlife Poisoning in Albania.

In the Balkan Peninsula, poisoning is one of the main threats to the population of vultures in the region. The existence of wildlife poisoning is a well-documented practice recognized by relevant institutions, inspectorates and agencies in the Balkan countries. At present this practice is illegal in Europe, including the Balkans, but it is still in …

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