
CSOs and Conservation in Albania: A Conversation with Dr. Taulant Bino

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) play an important role in conservation by bringing environmental issues to the attention of the relevant stakeholders and policy makers, raising public awareness, undertaking conservation actions, conducting research, etc. But how does all this apply to the Albanian context? To answer this question, we have invited our very own Dr. Taulant …

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Results from the monitoring of breeding waterbirds in Divjaka-Karavasta National Park

Throughout 2020 the team of AOS field-ornithologists has been engaged in monitoring breeding birds in Divjaka-Karavasta National Park and in implementing appropriate conservation measures for specific waterbird species in order to provide a safe and suitable habitat during the breeding season.  Like every year, the monitoring of breeding birds in Divjaka launched in January with …

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First record of Terek Sandpiper (Xenus cinereus) in Albania.

During the last week of the last month (May), the field-ornithologists of Albanian Ornithological Society (AOS) conducted a monitoring visit in the Landscape Protected Area of Vjose-Narte, an important wetland site that hosts several waterbirds species. The observations and the results of this field-visit exceeded the expectations of the AOS field-ornithologists team.   AOS team has …

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A glimpse of the colony of Herons and Cormorants Breeding in Divjaka

On the International Biodiversity Day (22th of May), we here at the Albanian Ornithological Society (AOS) decided to celebrate it by sharing with AOS supporters, environmentalists, nature lovers, volunteers and members, the results provided from the last field-monitoring visit of the breeding activity of the mixed colony of Herons and Cormorants in Divjaka-Karavasta National Park – conducted …

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AL: Mësimet e nxjerra nga fushata për Divjakën

Në vazhdimësi të artikullit “PREKJA E TE PAPREKSHMES” publikuar në revistën ndërkombëtare të “BirdLife Magazine”, AOS është bërë pjesë e serive të blog-ut të përbashkët të BirdLife Europe dhe CEPF (Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund), “Lessons Learned”, për të ndarë me komunitetin ndërkombëtar dhe konservuesit e rinj në Mesdhe, përvojën dhe rrugëtimin e ndjekur në mbrojtjen …

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Bird ringing weekend in Orikum Ornithological Station

In this season, the reedbeds of Orikum (Vlorë) are visited by hundreds of small migratory birds, and as always, their movements and origin arouse the curiosity of the AOS team. Therefore, we decided to dedicate  the last weekend of April (25-26) to conducting a bird ringing weekend in Orikum Ornithological Station, a weekend which also …

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