
AL: Mësimet e nxjerra nga fushata për Divjakën

Në vazhdimësi të artikullit “PREKJA E TE PAPREKSHMES” publikuar në revistën ndërkombëtare të “BirdLife Magazine”, AOS është bërë pjesë e serive të blog-ut të përbashkët të BirdLife Europe dhe CEPF (Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund), “Lessons Learned”, për të ndarë me komunitetin ndërkombëtar dhe konservuesit e rinj në Mesdhe, përvojën dhe rrugëtimin e ndjekur në mbrojtjen …

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Preliminary monitoring results of the Egyptian Vulture in Albania

Preliminary monitoring results of the Egyptian Vulture in Albania The first monitoring for this season of the population of Egyptian Vulture (𝘕𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘯 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘶𝘴) in Albania is successfully completed. The monitoring results for the confirmation of the territories shows that the population of the Egyptian Vulture in Albania is located in eight occupied territories, located in …

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Bird ringing weekend in Orikum Ornithological Station

In this season, the reedbeds of Orikum (Vlorë) are visited by hundreds of small migratory birds, and as always, their movements and origin arouse the curiosity of the AOS team. Therefore, we decided to dedicate  the last weekend of April (25-26) to conducting a bird ringing weekend in Orikum Ornithological Station, a weekend which also …

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New Orientation Signs and a “Bird-friendly” platform in Divjaka-Karavasta National Park

The wide optionality of touristic attractions that the National Park of Divjaka-Karavasta possess, provides a friendly destination, thus hosting every year, thousands of native and foreign tourists. The services that the park offers enable spaces of different dimensions of tourism, such as hiking trails, picnic spots, culinary-gastronomic tourism, and especially for birdwatching. However, the ecological …

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What should we do if we encounter a cadaver?

During these days of self-isolation, two cadavers of European Badger (Meles meles) suspected of poisoning were reported at AOS. One of cadavers was reported in Kavaja and the other in Durrës. However, not always finding a cadaver means that the cause of the animal’s death is poisoning. To confirm this, it is necessary to take …

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